August Newsletter

Directors Corner,
Enjoy August!
I can’t believe it is “The Dog Days of Summer”. It certainly has been hot and humid with lots of rain. It has put a damper on our Tuesday morning events. We are going to cancel “The Foam Party” for tomorrow morning. The weather forecast is not favorable for the last event of our Summer Reading Program. The "Good News" is we are rescheduling the Foam Party for Tuesday August 13th at 10:30 AM at the same location! Our “Adventure Begins at Your Library” program ends this Saturday, so be sure to get to the library later this week to turn in your reading sheets. We have lots of prizes just waiting for you! We hope to give you a call next week as one of the big winners!
Clue #8 – The Potterville Benton Township District Library was moved to its third location in 1931. Where was that? Please take a picture of the building with you in it and send it to me or bring it into the library.
Take advantage of the warm weather. Maybe a pool, camping or visiting a friend is in your near future. Maybe go to the August 17th “Music in the Park” at Lake Alliance at 6:00 PM. It is going to be a fun evening. Hopefully I will see you there! Whatever you do, enjoy!

We will be closed on Wednesday, August 7th due to building maintenance! We will be open on August 8th at 12:30.
Job Posting!
Hey everyone! We are looking for a person to clean the library for two hours once a week. A schedule can be made with the Library Director. All cleaning supplies would be furnished by the library. The following is a short of the job description.
- Vacuum
- clean both restroom
- mop front entry and bathroom floors
- dust the shelves
- wipe down all surfaces of the library
- clean windows
Please submit a resume and /or application to:
Potterville Benton Township District Library
ATTN: Lu Ann Stachnik
150 Library Lane
Potterville, MI 48876
Music in The Park
What is better then relaxing in the park on a Saturday while a live band plays. Well that is happening on August 17th at 6 pm. Head on over to the Lake Alliance Pavilion to enjoy some music from Parted Water. There will also be free kid activities, face painting and food trucks. Stop by to have a fun filled evening. More information is on facebook @pottervillestraightup

Are you feeling crafty?
Check out Crafts and Hobby's website for new designs for this spring season!
To get on make sure you use your 14 digit barcode to login and see all those crafts!
Discover your crafting abilities with step by step tutorials and videos. For example you can learn to cake decorate like a pro, Crochet until you have 15 little squares, and do some wood work so you can add that last finishing touch.
Summer Reading Program
"Adventure Begins at your Library!"
Our Summer Reading Program is coming to a close! We have one more event planned for our young kiddos and so many chances to win prizes! Don't forget to come in and receive your prizes.
The adventures for the kids are absolutely amazing with a lovely Foam Party coming up Tuesday, August 13th at 10:30
Our Summer Reading Program ends August 10th. Please get your reading sheets in this week.
August 13 - Foam Party - 10:30 Imagination Station Pavilion

Support your library by putting up a Library Sign in your yard. We have new signs!
Stop in to pick one up. They are FREE and located in the front entrance.

In case you missed it, we are now into our 8th month of our year long birthday celebration.
We are holding a year long scavenger hunt throughout the City of Potterville or Benton Township.
There will be a CLUE hidden in each e-newsletter. Find the clue, then find the item/location in the City of Potterville, take a photo of yourself with the item, and bring it in to the library (or email us at . If you would like to participate, we will have a form that we will keep at the circulation desk with your name on it, and for each month that you complete, we will then mark it as completed.
When you complete all 12 months successfully, you will be entered in to a grand prize drawing.

Attention Pokemon fans!
Join us on Fridays here at the library at 3:30 pm for an hour of Pokemon fun. Trade, battle, learn and just talk all things Pokemon! It is currently on pause until this fall. All levels are welcome, whether your’re new to Pokemon of have been playing for years!
This club is open to the public, grades K-12.
Story Time

Attention parents of toddlers!!
Story Time is on Tuesday mornings at 10:30am.
At the moment Story time is paused and will continue in September.
Stop in for a story, music/dancing and a fun craft.
Viking Lego Club

The Vikings Lego Club is on Tuesdays from 3:00-4:00pm, but has been stopped for our summer break and reading program. It will continue in September where we are excited to see all the skills! This is for 7-12 year olds and must be signed up by a parent. Join us for a weekly Lego challenge.
The Happy Bookers: BookAholics Book Club
The Book Club is back in session and they are reading "Born Standing Up" for August. If you are interested, please plan on attending the August 14th meeting at 3:00 PM right at the library or call us at 645-2989.

The Well Read Shed
The Well Read Shed is open on Tuesdays from 10:00-5:30 pm.
Paperbacks are .50 cents each or 3 for $1 and hardcovers are $1 each. Childrens books are 5 for $1.
New Books in the Adult Section

New Books in Young Adult
New in Childrens Section

Important News!
The groups of OverDrive consortia that are participating in the statewide reciprocal borrowing agreement keeps growing.
To add partner libraries to your Libby app:
Tap on the Libby logo in the center
Select Menu
Select Add Library
Search for one of the Partner Libraries (listed below)
Select Sign In With My Card
Under Partner Libraries select Your Local Public Library
Enter your Card Number and PIN
Select Next
Repeat process until all Partner Libraries have been added
Partner libraries are: Lakeland Digital Library, Suburban Library Cooperative, Download Destination, Great Lakes Digital Libraries, Midwest Collaborative for Library Services, Up North Michigan Consortium, Woodlands Downloadable Library, White Pine Library Cooperative, Metro Net Library Consortiu

Around the Community

Don’t forget, we now offer FREE passes to The Potter Park Zoo. This covers free entry for your household and free parking. Be sure to treat your family to a fun filled day at the zoo!
Click here for their upcoming events.

Great news! We have teamed up with Impression 5 Science Center!! We now have a day pass that you can check out for a family of 4. Your family is going to love it! To learn more, click here.
Library Days and Hours
Monday 12:30 - 5:30
Tuesday 10:00 - 6:00
Wednesday 12:30-6:00
Thursday 12:30 - 5:30
Friday 12:30 - 5:30
Saturday 10:00 - 1:00
We will be closed for Labor Day, Monday, September 2nd. We will reopen on Tuesday, September 3rd at 10:00.