December Newsletter

December News.
Directors Corner
Happy Holidays!
December is here! Are you ready for all of the festivities? Your library is ready. Stop in and take a look. Jennie and Kaylee have outdone themselves this year with decorations and fun activities for everyone. Don’t forget to pick up your Coloring Sheets and bring them back to the library by December 16th. You may be one of the lucky winners for a Gingerbread House or Cottage.
The Friends of the PBTDL have partnered with Potter Park Zoo for our first ever"Wonderland of Lights" Christmas Tree display. You MUST stop in and take a look. It is breathtaking!
The Friends of the PBTDL have been busy collecting pinecones, decorating them and making them into ornaments for your Christmas tree. Stop in and pick up a few. They, also, have a few items for sale that will make your friends, neighbors or coworkers very happy. There is a great selection of earrings, book trees, bricks, and book bundles to pick from.
Did you figure out who will be 120 years old in 2024? If you said, PBTDL, then you were correct. I had a number of patrons who guessed correctly. Good Job! I am so excited for 2024. The Board of Trustees, Friends of the Library and staff have been busy planning events to start celebrating all next year. You won't want to miss out. It starts in January so get prepared to have some fun.
I want to personally THANK YOU for your generous donations of blankets, hats, mittens and scarves for the Potterville Community this holiday season. The Library Christmas Tree is full of beautiful things. The Potterville community will not be without gloves, mittens, scarves or hats when it gets cold this winter.
Mark your calendar for our “Winter Reading Program” which starts January 22nd. Jennie has started making fun plans for this event.
Have a beautiful Holiday Season with your family, friends and neighbors!
Lu Ann

If you haven't had the pleasure of meeting our newest member, Kaylee, stop in and say "Hello".

We received a new shipment of Covid Tests, so feel free to stop in and to grab a box (or two.)

We will be closed Saturday, December 23rd thru Monday, December 25th.
We will reopen on Tuesday, December 26th at 10:00.
We will also be closed Saturday, December 30th thru Monday, January 1st.
We will reopen on Tuesday, January 2nd at 10:00.
Wishing you all a very happy safe and happy holiday season.
LuAnn, Jennie and Kaylee.

Children, write your letters to Santa and bring them in to the special mailbox at our library. Be sure to include your name and address and drop them off by December 16th, and Santa will write back to you.

Our Coloring Contest ends December 16th, so be sure turn in yours in before then!
Our judges will determine the best of the 3 age groups (3-7, 8-12 and 13 & up) and the winners will win a
gingerbread house to take home and create.

Our Fill A Bag Book Sale has been extended until we close for the season.
Stop in on Tuesdays from 10:30 – 5:30.
Fill a bag of paperbacks for $3.00.
Fill a bag of hard covers for $5.00
Fill a bag of both for $4.00.
Bonus Sale * Non Fiction Books are Buy 1, Get 2 Free!

Our "Big Hearts, Warm Hands" is still in progress.
We will continue collecting hats, mittens and scarves through December 15th.
We appreciate your help and generosity.

If you haven't had the chance to do so, you'll want to download our Librista app to your phone or tablet.
This nice feature lets you know which library books you have out, when they're due back AND
you could even be the 1st person to reserve one of our newest arrivals!

Story Time

Attention parents of toddlers!!
Story Time is on Tuesday mornings at 10:30am.
Stop in for a story, music/dancing and a fun craft.
**Please note, there will NOT be Story Time on Tuesday, December 26th or Tuesday, January 2nd.**
Viking Lego Club

The Vikings Lego Club is on Tuesdays from 3:00-4:00pm. This is for 7-12 year olds and must be signed up by a parent. There will be a sign up sheet at the circulation desk. Join us for a weekly Lego challenge.
**Please note, there will NOT be Lego Club on Tuesday, December 26th or Tuesday, January 2nd.**
The Happy Bookers: BookAholics Book Club
The Book Club has chosen to read a Christmas book for the month of December and they will have a a small Christmas luncheon & gift exchange amongst themselves.
The Well Read Shed
The Well Read Shed continues to be open on Tuesdays from 10:30 am-5:30 pm. Come in and check out the great selection of books that the Friends of the PBTDL have to offer.
We have Book Bundles!

Michigan Activity Pass

Your library card can get you access to Michigan's finest parks, museums and activities throughout the state!
New Books in the Adult Section

New in Young Adult Section

New in Childrens Section


Important News!
The groups of OverDrive consortia that are participating in the statewide reciprocal borrowing agreement keeps growing.
To add partner libraries to your Libby app:
Tap on the Libby logo in the center
Select Menu
Select Add Library
Search for one of the Partner Libraries (listed below)
Select Sign In With My Card
Under Partner Libraries select Your Local Public Library
Enter your Card Number and PIN
Select Next
Repeat process until all Partner Libraries have been added
Partner libraries are: Lakeland Digital Library, Suburban Library Cooperative, Download Destination, Great Lakes Digital Libraries, Midwest Collaborative for Library Services, Up North Michigan Consortium, Woodlands Downloadable Library, White Pine Library Cooperative, Metro Net Library Consortiu

Around the Community

Don’t forget, we now offer FREE passes to The Potter Park Zoo. This covers free entry for your household and free parking. Be sure to treat your family to a fun filled day at the zoo!
Upcoming events:
What: Wonderland of Lights
When: Thursday through Sunday, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm, November 17 – December 23 (closed on Thanksgiving).
Where: Potter Park Zoo
Thousands of lights create an extraordinary holiday display at the 30th annual Wonderland of Lights! Take a stroll around the zoo, enjoy holiday music, and marvel at the twinkling light displays during this series of magical Michigan winter evenings. Stop by the Savanna Grill for a bite to eat, and grab a goodie bag for children as you leave to take home and enjoy.
Library Days and Hours
Monday 12:30 - 5:30
Tuesday 10:00 - 6:00
Wednesday 12:30 - 6:00
Thursday 12:30 - 5:30
Friday 12:30 - 5:30
Saturday 10:00 - 1:00